A 47 years old Female patient came to the department of Dentistry in T S Misra Medical College with Chief complaint of reduced mouth opening with swelling and pain over chin region from last
Being a developing nation, health and hygiene are mainstays in terms of national priority. With so many people living below the poverty line, statistics reveal that unhealthy living conditions will lead to disease and epidemics, unless a proactive approach by the medical community is put into action. Keeping these in mind, T.S. Misra Medical College and Hospital was established. Besides imparting necessary medical and technological skills, the college also tend to encourage students to be more active as a student-medical community to improve health conditions in the nation.
Hospital provides a broad range of in-patient and out-patient health care services to match the needs of the community.
The objective of the TSM Medical College, lucknow is the establishment, maintenance and development of medical college and hospital in India, where men and women shall receive an education of
The primary concern of the TSM Medical College, Lucknow is to develop through education and training, compassionate, professionally excellent, ethically sound individuals who will go out as servant-leaders
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